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1962 cushman truckster

3 wheeler,manual trans,haulster,resto,project
Item number: 330219217956
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1962 cushman truckster
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Current bid:US $315.00 
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End time:Mar-21-08 20:01:58 PDT (3 days 6 hours)
Shipping costs:
Pickup only - see item description for details
Ships to:Will arrange for local pickup only (no shipping).
Item location:walton hills, OH, United States
History:15 bids
High bidder: 3***4( 4 )

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Starting time:Mar-11-08 20:01:58 PDT
Starting bid:US $0.99
Duration:10-day listing
Payment methods:
Money order/Cashiers check
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Meet the seller
Seller:andg5787( 109Feedback score is 100 to 499)
Feedback:100% Positive
Member:since Apr-23-03 in United States
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Description (revised)
Item Specifics - Utility Vehicles







3 Wheel

Model Year:


You are looking at an American classic 1962 Cushman Truckster.It has 3 wheels and is a 3 speed on the column with reverse.This vehicle started life at the American Vending co. in Cleveland OH.,and was used indoors until it was purchased at their auction in 1975.It has been used on my property since.The truckster's engine was rebuilt in 1984 due to running it out of oil.The original fiberglass cab was replaced with a later model steel cab and has a plexiglass windshield.The truckster was painted in 1990.It has a flat bed on the back with wooden removable sides.The bed has rust on the sides where the wood sides are attached.The truckster does run and shifts well but could use a tune-up and carb adjustment.The brakes are not working,(might need a master cylinder).Vehicle is sold as is with no warranty implied or offered.Thank you for looking call 216-577-5446.

On Mar-13-08 at 06:27:30 PDT, seller added the following information:

I do reserve the right to end the auction early. If you have less than a 5 feedback score please call before bidding or your bid may be canceled.

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Questions from other members
Question & AnswerAnswered On
Q: Is it street legal? Do you have a title?Mar-12-08
A: It could be street legal,it has a headlight and taillght but would need turn signals.It does not have a title but can be driven with a reflective triangle...more
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Will arrange for local pickup only (no shipping).
Return policy
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Please note that if you win the bid on this auction you bid to own,not to come look at it and renegotiate.I am available to show the vehicle prior to the end of the auction and will answer all questions as soon and as accuratly as possible.No Warranty offered or implied.Thank you
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Money order/Cashiers check
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Item title: 1962 cushman truckster
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