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2004 Other Makes Interceptor
2004 westward Go-4 Interceptor (Street legal) Nice
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Bid history:2 bids
Current bid:US $1,602.70
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Price:US $3,850.00Buy It NowBuy It NowBuy It Now
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Deposit of US $250.00 within 24 hours of auction close. Full payment required within 3 days of auction close.
Shipping:Buyer responsible for vehicle pick-up or shipping.
Item Location:Long Island,NY 11715, United States
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Item number:190386503328
Item condition:Used
Sells to:United States
Last updated on 05:18:03 PM PDT, Apr 04, 2010 View all revisions
2004 Other Makes Interceptor
Title: 2004 westward Go-4 Interceptor (Street legal) Nice
Mileage: 16,249 miles
Location: Long Island,NY 11715
Vehicle Information
VIN: --
Warranty: Vehicle does NOT have an existing warranty
Type of title: Clear
Condition: Used
Engine size (cc): 999Type: OtherExterior color: Black
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

Up for Auction is a 2004 westward go-4 police scooter.  Excellent choice of vehicle for small to large facilities.  Used in maintenance and security.  Great fuel mpg.  Highly reliable vehicles and easy to repair.  Unit runs and drives very good.  Unit is in very good condition.  Street legal comes with clean title.


  • Make: GO-4 (by Westward Industries)
  • Model: Interceptor II
  • Year: 2004 
  • Miles: 16249
  • Power: Hyundai 999cc gas
  • Dimensions: 118” x 53” x 69”
  • GVWR: 2,235 lbs
  • Weight: Approximately 1,500 lbs


  • Power disc brakes
  • Automatic transmission with OD
  • Tubeguard tubular steel frame
  • Aluminum body panels
  • Steel front and rear bumpers
  • Outside rear view mirrors
  • Dome light
  • Lateral thrust indicator safety device
  • Turn signals and headlights
  • 600 lb capacity
  • Top speed is 80 MPH


Your bid is a legally binding contract and will be enforced.  Please do not bid if you do not have funds available, do not have means to transport vehicle, or have no intention of completing sale.  Bidders with ZERO or NEGATIVE FEEDBACK must contact me prior to bidding and provide valid contact information.  Failure to do so may result in your bids being cancelled and your being blocked from bidding.  Sorry for the inconvenience but fraudulent bidders ruin things for everyone.  Transactions for motor vehicle sales will incur a $100 doc fee.  Shipping is at the expense of the buyer and vehicles must be picked up within 7 days of auction's close unless you make other arrangements with me. 


A non-refundable deposit payment in the amount of $250.00 is due via PayPal within 24 hrs of auction's close.  The balance must be paid within 3 days of auction's close via certified funds.  Failure to make deposit payment may result in item being relisted or sold to the next bidder.  By bidding, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to all the terms of this sale.


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