Thursday February 14th 2013 by New York Insurance

Dear All,


I just got a 1990 Cushman Truckster and cannot find an insurer in New York.  I did call Dian in CA, as per an older thread on here and she recommended McGraw, I am waiting to hear.  If there is a Cushman Truckster driver on this site who registered their vehicle in NYS, please let me know who insured it.


Looking forward to being a part of this community!





2 Comments on “New York Insurance”

  • letruc March 20, 2013 at 6:19 pm

    Hi Catherine,

    did you find anybody? I have the same problem, still looking

  • Charley April 11, 2013 at 2:18 am

    For my North Carolina based 1987 Truckster I received a quote of $97/year for laibility insurance from Farm Bureau, but they won’t quote collision for it (not that I want it anyway). All of my other vehicle and house insurance is with Farm Bureau, so this may have made a difference. Talk to the agent that you have other vehicle and/or home insurance with and show them pictures of your truckster. If it’s 3 wheeled give them the VIN number and show them a picture of the label that lists it as a motorcycle. A 3 wheeled motorcycle is supposed to be legal in all 50 states, but you may need to get a DMV inspector to look at it and certify that it is legally a motorcycle before you can get insurance or a license plate for it. If it has been registered previously, evidence of this should be all that is necessary.

    In North Carolina since 1998 they allow golf carts to be used on roads with 35 mph or less speed limits without requiring a license or insurance, but the golf cart must be driven by a NC licensed driver and have all of the required safety equipment (seat belts, rear view mirrors, etc.). The laws are a bit vague, but a 4 wheel Cushman truckster seems to fit into the golf cart classification. Look at the motor vehicle laws regarding 3 wheel motorcycles and golf carts in your state to see what is and is not allowed. Many states are loosening the laws regarding the use of golf carts on secondary roads with less than 35 mph speed limits. NY may be one of them. A Google search should bring up the motor vehicle laws and help you find the pertinent areas to read.

    Good luck,

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